Many Thanks To…
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the people I’ve met along the way that have helped me and made travelling the wonderful thing that it is.
If by some horror I’ve forgotten you, please put a comment on this page and accept my apologies!
Dr Grewal and Friends
For not only fixing my broken bones but also for helping me ship the bike back to the UK and providing me with help above and beyond the call of duty throughout my hospital stay in Amritsar.
If you get injured in or near Amritsar, ask for Dr Grewal (pronounced as near as I can tell, garr-e-wal).
Mysterious strangers on the road to Zhob
Thank you for pushing the rioters out of my path, I think you may have saved my life!
The people of Iran
There are far too many to mention from Iran who have helped me, paid for meals and offered their hospitality and insight into this wonderful country.
Though I feel a special mention is deserved by the Police of Bander-E-Geneva who found my motorcycle 3 hours after it was stolen!
Sharron’s a friend of my dad’s now living in Istanbul.
She’s been nothing short of incredible, giving me a place to stay, even my own key! And some tasty meals and good company to boot!
The Ukrainian Entrepreneurs
These three guys showed me true Ukrainian hospitality.
They fixed up my bike, gave me a place to stay, fed me, got me very drunk on vodka and showed me the way to Kiev!
The gang at De Mafkees
I spent nearly three weeks at this Hostel, everyone there made it an absolute joy to stay there, it was exactly the kind of place I’d hoped to spend my time in Holland at while my leg was healing!
Misha Kruck, Matthias Bender and Nurse Franziska
These wonderful people I met in a hospital in Switzerland after I broke my leg.
Kinder and more helpful people it would be harder to meet, Misha and Matthias actually took time out of their lives to go and fetch my bike from where I crashed (a good 40 minutes drive away!) and bring it back to the hospital.
Thank you for everything!
Guido and Marilena
I met these wonderful Italians when Guido serendipitously emailed me via couchsurfing to offer a place to stay when I was a mere few miles away and in desperate need of somewhere to sleep!
Thank you for the use of your couchs and for a wonderful time!
Nick and Trudy Greene
The first people I met on my trip, an English couple in the middle of France!
Thank you for stopping at the side of the road to help pick up my bike, and thank you for the nights stay and delicious omelette!
James Martin
My father, without whom (in many ways!) this trip would not have been possible.
Thank you for the inspiration, preparation, advice and belief.